Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Alchemical Metamorphosis

The world and our communities are continuously changing, as are we.  Especially now, the energies of transformation are upon us, and we are being called into a higher vibration while we continue to live on the planet. 

We are all alchemists, whether we are aware of it or not.  We create our realities, consciously, subconsciously, and very often, unconsciously.  More often than not, we wake up and realize that what presents itself in our daily lives is not what resonates with our hearts.  We are all creative beings and can recreate our realities, as alchemists. There are many methods for re-centering into your heart,  and re-creating your new reality.  Through balancing our emotions, physical body, and improving mental focus we can magnetize new frequencies, a new healthier and happier reality into our lives.

Through the Alchemical Metamorphosis intensive process there are three main overall goals:

1) Clear the dross of the emotional body and the karmic and archetypical contracts that keep us stuck in a reality that isn't aligned with our truest selves.

2) Gain more direct access to our Divine nature, insights, messages and blueprint for the higher frequency manifestations we desire. 

3) Integrate this new knowledge and information into our lives as a Grace-filled Divine Metamorphosis.

A variety of modalities and techniques are used, ranging from and including meditation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), breath work, acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture, Esogetic Colorpuncture, Reiki, sacred geometry, multi-incarnational exploration, Dream Work, Barbara Hand Clow's Alchemy Through the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness, St. Germain's Nine Steps to Precipitation, Lifestyle modification, movement through yoga or t'ai chi, sound healing vibrations, and light, in a uniquely tailored intensive individualized program.  

Changes for the better must begin on the personal level - as each person grows the Divine Light within and vibrates at a higher frequency, this spreads naturally to our communities, the Earth, and our Universe.

The Time is Now.  Welcome to (I) A.M.

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