Through Alchemical Metamorphosis we define, visualize, and hone in on what we would like to manifest through the process - we are all manifesters. I use the following example from my alchemy experiments in relationship to exemplify the need for a wholistic vision, with the fine, or not-so-fine line of too much detail.
(from 2006)
An Interlude with the Honest Doctor
After a connection I had perceived to be amazing fell to pieces due to deception and his misrepresentation, all I put out to the Universe was that I wanted to be with someone honest. Honest, honest, honest, how could the Universe not know that I needed to be with someone honest??
A couple months later my next date was with a doctor friend of my son’s girlfriend. He actually used to date her mother years ago. We set ourselves up. He came by the school where I’d just begun the dean job, took a tour, then we each drove our respective cars to Cherry Creek, ate at a month-old restaurant, Tula, and enjoyed lovely multi-course meal. We talked easily.
He was fascinated with the medicine I was describing, seeing as he was an adolescent psychologist. Our talk was mostly “shop” and I felt I challenged many levels of his open-mindedness, which he was aware of, and open to. As we left the restaurant and walked the block to our cars, it was cold and began to snow. We reached the cars, and he turned to me, as I was wondering if we were going to talk about seeing each other again. He said to me, “I have to be honest, I have a dating dilemma.”
Well, how refreshing and HONEST! However, the word “dilemma” was added to the sentence, so I told him, “Tell me your dating dilemma.” He proceeded to tell me that he, at his age (52) and having never been married and childless, is now looking for someone with whom to start a family, and he was making the assumption, even though we hadn’t discussed anything of a personal nature at dinner, considering my family is almost grown and my two careers are underway, that I am probably not interested in starting family number two. He added that he enjoyed our meeting and I gave him lots to think about from our discussion and that he might be interested in having further conversations on a professional note.
The irony did not escape me. I had just exited the “relationship” where my children were “too many” and “too much”, that was the excuse anyway, and given that that particular fella was twenty years older than I (and professed to be a mere ten years older, amongst other lies), I was already wondering if this man, the doctor, was possibly too old for me as well.
In that brief conversation, it became quite clear that I was too old for him (at fourteen years his junior) and that I wasn’t willing to have enough kids, at least in his assessment, without inquiring into my thoughts on the matter. Thus, without going into my reproductive capabilities and desires, I told him that it was good to know what he wanted and was so honest about it. I thanked him for the evening, gave him a polite hug and got in my car and cried all the way home. And through the tears, I laughed; the irony was painful but beautiful, and again I learned more clearly, on a small scale, the adage, “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it”.
Alchemy: A power that transforms something in a mysterious or powerful way. Metamorphosis: A striking alteration in appearance, character or circumstances.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Interlude with the Honest Doctor
Place of Imbalances to be Reviewed (aka Economics class)
Another good one for revealing Truth and finding self-compassion. We don't have to be great at everything, and really can't be...
...And, there are wonderful techniques and angels to help us process, overturn and conquer these false beliefs. I love Colorpuncture (and my mom!)
Daily Thought for Monday, February 2, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
May I see this day through fresh eyes, that the old places of imbalance in my life can be "reviewed" from the perspective of my Soul's mission.
Interesting this was yesterday's "thought" and I hadn't read it until today. I had an opportunity to see through "fresh eyes" an old place of imbalance in my life to "review".
I was in economics class where my tendency is to want to blend into the woodwork, just "do, be, and get". However, the instructor chooses to call on the students and put them to work, so being invisible is not an option. Yesterday I sat in the second row, and was asked to draw a graph on the board in the front of the class. I understand graphs, I get math, but I did not understand what he wanted, so "messed up" in front of the class, and corrected it. Then, because I was up in front of the class creating the graph, I missed taking the lecture notes that he was giving during that time. When I returned to my seat to catch up, focusing on what he'd already gone over, he came by my spot and asked me a question about what he was currently going over. Of course I had no clue, and since I feel clueless about the entire topic of economics I couldn't "wing it".
So, more humiliation, especially when he threw up his hands in exasperation as if I should have already mastered all of this. For goodness sakes. Thankfully he moved on to the next clueless person. I know I was not alone in that, however what it meant for me personally is definitely something I get to look at.
It triggered a time during a poster presentation I was giving in a class near the end of my Bachelor's degree. The professor asked me a difficult technical question that I froze on. I panicked, I couldn't think or breathe. I knew I knew the answer, but I was so caught up in the difficulty of the question compared to the "opinion" question one of my classmates (one of the professor's "pets") received. I know I made everyone uncomfortable with my frozen panic. My friend, Pat, was behind the professor signaling to encourage me. She knew I knew the answer, and later told me he probably asked me the most difficult question because he was aware of my intelligence. This made no difference to me at the time. This event yesterday triggered close to those same feelings of humiliation, "dumbness", and wanting to crawl into a hole.
Thankfully, after yesterday's class I went straight to my mom's for a Colorpuncture treatment to work on a rash I've had for a few weeks. She took a Kirlian photograph of my energy, and treated accordingly while I relayed the day's events to her. What showed in my photo was very interesting. It was clear there were boundaries that were being overstepped, and the "father imprint" had been triggered, and was "up". This makes sense to me, I can see where my relationship with my dad could have a play in that. I always wanted to be acknowledged for what I do know, and how acceptable I am, what a good person I am, etc. I wanted to be understood for who I am, not for what I don't know. I know a lot of it is embracing the fact that I cannot possibly know it all, and that it's okay to be in a situation where I don't know, and to accept it for myself in that moment. The "dark" side. Economics is not a strong suit for me, but a pre-requisite for pharmacy school. There's a reason I didn't take this class way back when. It's okay to have weaknesses, it's okay to not fully succeed in all areas. I know I will do fine in the class, and chances are good I understand more of it than I give myself credit. The healing is going to come through being okay in that situation, and to somehow move through those uncomfortable moments with a little more grace. Then again, does it always have to be graceful? I think it's actually okay to have awkward uncomfortable moments. Perhaps that is more fully experiencing Life.
Ah, so, how does this relate to my soul's mission? What gets to be healed and released? To be balanced? To be okay with it not being okay. Embrace the "fact" that I have both strengths AND weaknesses. To come up with a method, a mantra, or meditation, to directly help neutralize the strong panicky, humiliated emotional trigger in that situation, so that it is not a block, but rather a gateway to deeper understanding and compassion for myself and others.
Today I do feel a bit more whole, a bit more loving and compassionate toward myself. Far more than I did 13 years ago during that incident during my undergrad presentation. That went on for months, way beyond the class ending. I now know I can go back into class confident in who I am and where I'm at, and be okay in the now. I can stand a bit taller. And my rash is closer to being healed now that I'm a bit more comfortable in my own skin...
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
...And, there are wonderful techniques and angels to help us process, overturn and conquer these false beliefs. I love Colorpuncture (and my mom!)
Daily Thought for Monday, February 2, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
May I see this day through fresh eyes, that the old places of imbalance in my life can be "reviewed" from the perspective of my Soul's mission.
Interesting this was yesterday's "thought" and I hadn't read it until today. I had an opportunity to see through "fresh eyes" an old place of imbalance in my life to "review".
I was in economics class where my tendency is to want to blend into the woodwork, just "do, be, and get". However, the instructor chooses to call on the students and put them to work, so being invisible is not an option. Yesterday I sat in the second row, and was asked to draw a graph on the board in the front of the class. I understand graphs, I get math, but I did not understand what he wanted, so "messed up" in front of the class, and corrected it. Then, because I was up in front of the class creating the graph, I missed taking the lecture notes that he was giving during that time. When I returned to my seat to catch up, focusing on what he'd already gone over, he came by my spot and asked me a question about what he was currently going over. Of course I had no clue, and since I feel clueless about the entire topic of economics I couldn't "wing it".
So, more humiliation, especially when he threw up his hands in exasperation as if I should have already mastered all of this. For goodness sakes. Thankfully he moved on to the next clueless person. I know I was not alone in that, however what it meant for me personally is definitely something I get to look at.
It triggered a time during a poster presentation I was giving in a class near the end of my Bachelor's degree. The professor asked me a difficult technical question that I froze on. I panicked, I couldn't think or breathe. I knew I knew the answer, but I was so caught up in the difficulty of the question compared to the "opinion" question one of my classmates (one of the professor's "pets") received. I know I made everyone uncomfortable with my frozen panic. My friend, Pat, was behind the professor signaling to encourage me. She knew I knew the answer, and later told me he probably asked me the most difficult question because he was aware of my intelligence. This made no difference to me at the time. This event yesterday triggered close to those same feelings of humiliation, "dumbness", and wanting to crawl into a hole.
Thankfully, after yesterday's class I went straight to my mom's for a Colorpuncture treatment to work on a rash I've had for a few weeks. She took a Kirlian photograph of my energy, and treated accordingly while I relayed the day's events to her. What showed in my photo was very interesting. It was clear there were boundaries that were being overstepped, and the "father imprint" had been triggered, and was "up". This makes sense to me, I can see where my relationship with my dad could have a play in that. I always wanted to be acknowledged for what I do know, and how acceptable I am, what a good person I am, etc. I wanted to be understood for who I am, not for what I don't know. I know a lot of it is embracing the fact that I cannot possibly know it all, and that it's okay to be in a situation where I don't know, and to accept it for myself in that moment. The "dark" side. Economics is not a strong suit for me, but a pre-requisite for pharmacy school. There's a reason I didn't take this class way back when. It's okay to have weaknesses, it's okay to not fully succeed in all areas. I know I will do fine in the class, and chances are good I understand more of it than I give myself credit. The healing is going to come through being okay in that situation, and to somehow move through those uncomfortable moments with a little more grace. Then again, does it always have to be graceful? I think it's actually okay to have awkward uncomfortable moments. Perhaps that is more fully experiencing Life.
Ah, so, how does this relate to my soul's mission? What gets to be healed and released? To be balanced? To be okay with it not being okay. Embrace the "fact" that I have both strengths AND weaknesses. To come up with a method, a mantra, or meditation, to directly help neutralize the strong panicky, humiliated emotional trigger in that situation, so that it is not a block, but rather a gateway to deeper understanding and compassion for myself and others.
Today I do feel a bit more whole, a bit more loving and compassionate toward myself. Far more than I did 13 years ago during that incident during my undergrad presentation. That went on for months, way beyond the class ending. I now know I can go back into class confident in who I am and where I'm at, and be okay in the now. I can stand a bit taller. And my rash is closer to being healed now that I'm a bit more comfortable in my own skin...
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
Magnificence Incarnating in Flesh
Part of the Alchemical process is finding compassion for oneself and being honest and willing to take a deeper look for true transformation. This excerpt is from a time in my life when there were so many unknowns about my future. Actually at any point in our lives, it's all truly unknown, and we get to trust Divine inspiration every step of the way.
Daily Thought for Saturday, January 24, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
May I hold well this day the unfolding Mystery of the Divine infusing the mundane, of Spirit indwelling matter, of Magnificence incarnating in flesh.
Of course this comes along on a day when I am not feeling so magnificent, but instead a bit overwhelmed by everything going on in my life. And it's not that there is anything "bad" going on, just a few reality checks, that yes, I am still a parent of a teenager who needs a slight tweak in direction and needs his mother to come back to Earth, that yes, my future is still relatively uncertain as to where I'll be going to school, and where my next abode is, and how it's all going to manifest exactly. And, yes, that I am taking a crazy microeconomics class that I am trying to feel enthused about, and yes, that I need to buckle down and pay my taxes, and look at the reality of last year's self-employment income. I far prefer to dwell in the observer detached mode.
All of these things that I am doing and experiencing are opportunities to shine my magnificent self, express as my own unique being, to remember to return to trusting in the Universe that supports me and always has. To release the hows and the whys, to reconnect to my Divinity, and check in with everyone else's Divinity. To remember we are here to Love, to find compassion for ourselves and for others. To connect with the Indwelling Joy that is ever present when we choose to recognize and embrace it.
My goals today: 1) To note the Mystery of the Divine in the mundane. My life is a continuous string of miracles, and today is no different. 2) To remember the Spirit indwelling in matter in all thing and beings, and 3) to remember and celebrate and express the Magnificence of my own being that has incarnated in this flesh.
I am peaceful, powerful and poised, for I know who I am.
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
Daily Thought for Saturday, January 24, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
May I hold well this day the unfolding Mystery of the Divine infusing the mundane, of Spirit indwelling matter, of Magnificence incarnating in flesh.
Of course this comes along on a day when I am not feeling so magnificent, but instead a bit overwhelmed by everything going on in my life. And it's not that there is anything "bad" going on, just a few reality checks, that yes, I am still a parent of a teenager who needs a slight tweak in direction and needs his mother to come back to Earth, that yes, my future is still relatively uncertain as to where I'll be going to school, and where my next abode is, and how it's all going to manifest exactly. And, yes, that I am taking a crazy microeconomics class that I am trying to feel enthused about, and yes, that I need to buckle down and pay my taxes, and look at the reality of last year's self-employment income. I far prefer to dwell in the observer detached mode.
All of these things that I am doing and experiencing are opportunities to shine my magnificent self, express as my own unique being, to remember to return to trusting in the Universe that supports me and always has. To release the hows and the whys, to reconnect to my Divinity, and check in with everyone else's Divinity. To remember we are here to Love, to find compassion for ourselves and for others. To connect with the Indwelling Joy that is ever present when we choose to recognize and embrace it.
My goals today: 1) To note the Mystery of the Divine in the mundane. My life is a continuous string of miracles, and today is no different. 2) To remember the Spirit indwelling in matter in all thing and beings, and 3) to remember and celebrate and express the Magnificence of my own being that has incarnated in this flesh.
I am peaceful, powerful and poised, for I know who I am.
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
the unknown,
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Goldfish That Had to Go - Dream Work in Alchemy
We process much in our dream time, which can be directed and focussed for reaching our alchemical manifestations, especially with the help of Esogetic Herbal Dream Oil and guided dream work.
It was good I released any attachment to outcome because what did manifest for my new living space was beyond anything that I was contemplating and aware of at the time!
(From January 2009)
In this dream I was with my family, my mom, step dad, my sons, somewhere on a trip. We were gathering our things to leave, and somewhere on the trip, either found by me or given to me by one of the sons, I had acquired a goldfish. He was currently in a makeshift fish tank in the cabin and I wondered how I was going to take him with us when we left. Someone suggested a newspaper bag, so I thought that would be helpful. I filled the bag with his water from the tank, he escaped and was on the table out of the water, looking at me. The boys were laughing. I put the bag near the fish and he hopped right in. In my mind ran concerns regarding his being able to breathe in the bag. For some reason there wasn't enough water in the bag, and the fish was indicating, by jumping out again, that it was not to his liking. Then, for some reason, I filled up the bag with milk, thinking this way the fish could have nourishment while it traveled with us. This was not a happy answer for the fish, who, by the way, was more of a Dr. Seuss goldfish than a regular boring goldfish. In the milk it was standing on its tail, with its head out of the milk, almost shaking his head "no". I emptied the milk, and refilled with tank water, in yet another bag, this one a bread bag. There was lots of water, and I was trying to find the balance between air and water, not sure how long this was to be his home. I breathed some of my breath into the bag, with the hope of finding that right balance.
Eventually my dream went on to the next scene and I don't know if I ever got it right for that fish.
What if that fish is me? I can be a Dr. Seuss goldfish for a moment. Here I am wondering where my home is going to be when my house sells. Which bag (or home) is going to be just right as I "travel" with my sons and parents in this stage of our lives? Which one provides the most breathing room, the most nourishment, enough of my own environment and happiness? Interesting to note my own guessing game and seeming inability to figure it out and provide just the right environment for the "fish". This is the planner in me, to which I have been bringing more and more balance. I don't know the answers, all I can do is trust that the right situation is manifesting in the perfect timing, as it always has, in spite of all of my past planning and trying to make it work.
I am open to the Grace of the Universe in this transitional situation, and am excited to see what results come about. I know that the happiest answer for all concerned is manifesting and we all live in joy and great connection.
It was good I released any attachment to outcome because what did manifest for my new living space was beyond anything that I was contemplating and aware of at the time!
(From January 2009)
In this dream I was with my family, my mom, step dad, my sons, somewhere on a trip. We were gathering our things to leave, and somewhere on the trip, either found by me or given to me by one of the sons, I had acquired a goldfish. He was currently in a makeshift fish tank in the cabin and I wondered how I was going to take him with us when we left. Someone suggested a newspaper bag, so I thought that would be helpful. I filled the bag with his water from the tank, he escaped and was on the table out of the water, looking at me. The boys were laughing. I put the bag near the fish and he hopped right in. In my mind ran concerns regarding his being able to breathe in the bag. For some reason there wasn't enough water in the bag, and the fish was indicating, by jumping out again, that it was not to his liking. Then, for some reason, I filled up the bag with milk, thinking this way the fish could have nourishment while it traveled with us. This was not a happy answer for the fish, who, by the way, was more of a Dr. Seuss goldfish than a regular boring goldfish. In the milk it was standing on its tail, with its head out of the milk, almost shaking his head "no". I emptied the milk, and refilled with tank water, in yet another bag, this one a bread bag. There was lots of water, and I was trying to find the balance between air and water, not sure how long this was to be his home. I breathed some of my breath into the bag, with the hope of finding that right balance.
Eventually my dream went on to the next scene and I don't know if I ever got it right for that fish.
What if that fish is me? I can be a Dr. Seuss goldfish for a moment. Here I am wondering where my home is going to be when my house sells. Which bag (or home) is going to be just right as I "travel" with my sons and parents in this stage of our lives? Which one provides the most breathing room, the most nourishment, enough of my own environment and happiness? Interesting to note my own guessing game and seeming inability to figure it out and provide just the right environment for the "fish". This is the planner in me, to which I have been bringing more and more balance. I don't know the answers, all I can do is trust that the right situation is manifesting in the perfect timing, as it always has, in spite of all of my past planning and trying to make it work.
I am open to the Grace of the Universe in this transitional situation, and am excited to see what results come about. I know that the happiest answer for all concerned is manifesting and we all live in joy and great connection.
letting go,
Winds of Change and the Importance of Letting Go
This was written several years ago while I was in the process of releasing the old beliefs, thought patterns, and more, discovering greater depths of self-compassion, in order to make room for the new and transformed.
I feel somewhat unsettled as the wind is howling and the trees are swaying violently outside. The sky is dark with gray with foreboding. Maybe it’s stir craziness I’m experiencing from having been in bed for the last week with a strange illness that can’t seem to decide what it is, and is taking its time taking its leave. I’m pretty sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know, well, have learned, in the past, that when I get sick enough to knock me out of commission as I’ve been, my life is about to change. It’s a cocooning of sorts, a reorganization. I am definitely very happy with my life in this place to where it has evolved, and am open to change for even better, on whatever level. This said, this doesn’t feel to me like a cocooning on a personal level, it definitely feels more of a stepping back from the humanity and planetary level. After a conversation with my mother earlier today, who is also suffering from this strange malady, I realize that perhaps the Universe is telling us to take cover, lay low for a bit, up.
I feel somewhat unsettled as the wind is howling and the trees are swaying violently outside. The sky is dark with gray with foreboding. Maybe it’s stir craziness I’m experiencing from having been in bed for the last week with a strange illness that can’t seem to decide what it is, and is taking its time taking its leave. I’m pretty sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know, well, have learned, in the past, that when I get sick enough to knock me out of commission as I’ve been, my life is about to change. It’s a cocooning of sorts, a reorganization. I am definitely very happy with my life in this place to where it has evolved, and am open to change for even better, on whatever level. This said, this doesn’t feel to me like a cocooning on a personal level, it definitely feels more of a stepping back from the humanity and planetary level. After a conversation with my mother earlier today, who is also suffering from this strange malady, I realize that perhaps the Universe is telling us to take cover, lay low for a bit, up.
I can only surmise or speculate that this may have something to do with the recent solar flares, with which their Earth arrival corresponded precisely with the onset of my illness, which has been fiery, feverish, with burning pain, mainly in my throat. During the illness, some thoughts occurred to me, in light of, in spite of, or instead of the solar flare possibility. One thought is that on a humanity level we are being dredged for the final drudge of karma that can be elicited before we have the opportunity for Ascension, if that is where we’re headed. My human mind has no idea, and I have no answers, all I can do is go with the flow. Bizarre things are happening in the world, even more so than usual, it seems. My dreams have been ultra strange during this illness, and I haven’t had the time or energy to analyze them. I’m okay with that, as it feels they are processing and processing…something.
Meanwhile, I feel more and more disconnected from humanity, and have no interest in the chaos that humanity pours on itself. The personal dramas, the work dramas, the political dramas… are all karma either being played out or transcended. Somehow I see beyond the drama, directly to the soul connection, the love, and can see that there is no reason for fear. Death is not to fear, none of what we experience in life or are about to experience is to fear. Life would be very, very different for every individual, and thus our collective communities if all decisions were made in love, instead of fear. This would also be a different life if Earth’s inhabitants had no fear of death. There was a particular scene that reminded of this, in Shirley MacLain’s miniseries Out On a Limb. I hadn’t read her book or watched the miniseries before last night, but I have read much over the past 15 years about near death experiences, out of body experiences, spiritual matters, etc., and have had plenty of direct experiences that have brought my thought process to where it resides currently. It was interesting to watch her metamorphosis, like a butterfly, through the show. She resisted every step of the way, it appeared, but finally came to the realization that what she was experiencing and hearing was real and she obviously took action on the information she received. Her experiences were more real than this weird world we live in and have collectively created for ourselves. I am very glad to be reminded of this in this entertaining manner, although our true nature is almost always on my mind.
I’ve also been reading a very interesting book on Dreaming and the Kaballah. The premise is that our awakened state is at least as much of a dream-time than our sleeping state. I’m not finished reading it yet, but I am sure I will have more to contemplate on this and the implications.
The theme this week in my awareness, it seems, is letting go. In A Course in Miracles, our lessons have been about letting go (“loose-ing”) of the world we have created. A client of mine’s main desire was to “let go” of the stuff he was ready to release so that he could move forward into his new life. Letting go is one of the most difficult things a person can do. What does it take to let go of the worry? To let go of the fear? To let go of having to know the how, or the why, or all of the answers. If we let go, what are we left with? Who are we without that fear? Who are we without that worry? Do we feel like we have to worry about something to be doing it “right”? Do we have to be doing everything right? If we let go of fear, are we out of our minds? Maybe so. Is that such a bad place to be?
In Chinese medicine, letting go is the action of the Large Intestine. We take in the events life presents to us (through the Stomach/solar plexus/Liver), let it churn a bit, send it to the Small Intestine for discernment, for sorting. Small Intestine is the energy of discerning the turbid from the clear, retaining the clear, and sending the turbid to the Large Instestine for discharge, or letting go. The clear is associated with the blessings, and what we want to keep to enrich ourselves and our lives. The turbid is the crap that no longer serves us and we need to let go. The energy of the Lung is directly related to the energy of the Large Intestine. Lung is about grief and sorrow. If we can grieve something, then we can let it go. Sometimes we don’t know that we need to grieve something, but our bodies will tell us.
Letting go is very freeing. When you let go, those things hold no power over you, you reclaim your own power, and can move forward in a powerful way, rather than a fearful way. Then your energy can be directed into creative endeavors. I realize this takes a lot of trust. Trust in yourself, trust that everything will turn out “right”. And “right” may not be our narrow perception of what is right for our lives, for we see very little of our full paths while we are incarnate and have very little knowledge of the meanings of our encounters and experiences. In my experience, once I realized that there is a far bigger picture than my small awareness, my prayers and intentions became more for the greatest good of all involved, and allowing those who had a far greater awareness than mine, to make it happen. I’ve since learned that these kinds of prayers often have the most profound outcomes, as I let go of my perceived best outcome. I am not to judge what is the best outcome for anyone, not even for myself. I can set my intention for what I think will be a great outcome, but I will always end it with “this or better”, as I do not know the lessons that need to be learned or the greater joy that can be experienced. It’s called surrender.
As the winds and the storm have subsided, I feel more at peace in my heart. I feel more connected to my spirit, and am calmer about the next moment. Solar flares or no solar flares, lunar eclipse or no lunar eclipse, and ascension or no ascension, I know that my life is dedicated to peace and love, and sharing and serving. Perhaps my time cocooning is helping me strengthen this connection to my Source and helping me remember the theme of surrendering to the Greater Good and allowing it to flow through me.
Chinese medicine,
letting go,
Blueprint Emotions
Written in 10/13 while contemplating a new blueprint...
Wow - experiencing the gamut!
Wow - experiencing the gamut!
Where to start?
It seems like a daunting task to create a new blueprint... I've spent much of my afternoon trying to do research, mostly on the internet... Of course blueprints are mainly discussed in terms of that which we come into each lifetime, pre-formed, contracted... Where's the information about how to create one while in body? Ha.
It must be like creating a life vision, which I've done many a time... Created vision boards and books, and affirmations, etc., with awesome results over the years where I've been putting this into practice.
I actually see these practices as means of aligning with one's blueprint that has been already predetermined as a person follows their unfolding soul journey, as part of the soul journey of fulfilling the blueprint. For me, this has been done, a few times, with each new "exit point" negotiated.
For me, now, all predetermined blueprints and contracts have been completed. The major karma that was to be transmuted, has been. It was not expected that I'd make it this far and this long, and right now it's a vast limitlessness.
I actually see these practices as means of aligning with one's blueprint that has been already predetermined as a person follows their unfolding soul journey, as part of the soul journey of fulfilling the blueprint. For me, this has been done, a few times, with each new "exit point" negotiated.
For me, now, all predetermined blueprints and contracts have been completed. The major karma that was to be transmuted, has been. It was not expected that I'd make it this far and this long, and right now it's a vast limitlessness.
To create a blueprint out of the air, seemingly without the conscious awareness that I might have in the bardo, seems like a daunting task. I don't want to miss anything, and I don't want to limit myself. It's like walking through a craft store with all of the different possibilities of creation. I feel like I'm in the Creator's shoes... And yes I've always seen myself as the co-Creator of my life.... Now I get to ramp that up a notch or five hundred!
It is clear to me that every action has a consequence. How that applies to this is quite apparent. In my stubbornness in staying on the planet and fulfilling everything I felt I'd been working so hard for and I wanted to complete in this lifetime, finally, has kept me here, now beyond the completions. It feels so strange to have no blueprint. I feel it. Ungrounded, vulnerable, needing to be cautious of my thoughts and intentions and what I place into my conscious reality. I feel hyper aware of my emotions and my thoughts and attitudes and it is quite apparent what I do not want to create as part of my lasting life. I seem to have gotten myself into a quandary. Normally when the contracts are up, so is the physical life, which I probably ultimately would have been okay with, however now I have this pretty incredible task to experiment with. So I will stick around a bit and play. Why not?
I know that the sooner I focus on ONLY what I want to manifest and live, the better, and the less of this fear, doubt and worry will enter into what it ends up being. I feel the need for a systematic approach even in uncharted territory, and I keep wondering if someone like a Life Coach or a Psychic healer or someone can help me out. After an afternoon trying to find some insight or guidance online, I finally realized that I absolutely know what I need better than anyone outside of myself does, and I have all of the guidance in the world (and beyond) that I need, and will know each step of the way how to go about this. This is my uncharted path, that I get to build literally from the ground up.
We don't create our pre-incarnation blueprints without agreements, contracts, guidance and inner knowing, so this one is not going to be any different. I trust I will have access to all of the inner knowing I'll need, and all the guidance and more that I request. What a wonderful position to be in. And an interesting task ahead for someone who loves to plan things, trips, and life and stuff, and then sit back and watch it unfold as a master experimenter!
I do feel completely blessed to still be incarnate on this planet, and do every day I awaken. That is my first intention for this blueprint, is to remember every moment how fortunate I am to have this Life opportunity, and to have so many possibilities to share the Love and Joy that I Am.
Masculine and Feminine in Balance
"My internal masculine and feminine selves show respect and appreciation for each other."
Daily Thought for Tuesday, March 10, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
Daily Thought for Tuesday, March 10, 2009
by Master Djwhal Khul
The yin and the yang in balance and harmony with each other, is the key to great health. The yin, the feminine, being the stillness, the resting, the quiet, is utterly important for our physical, mental and emotional rejuvenation. It's about being present with ourselves, and going within to hear that "still, small voice", which sometimes isn't so small, especially the longer we ignore it. The feminine is our intuitive aspect, the receptivity of the Divine. Often in our society, and maybe many others, people do not go to this place of stillness, of receptivity, of rejuvenation so that they can have the energy they need for the yang, or masculine aspects of their lives: the activity, the expression, the action, the sharing with others, the creativity. If there is too much doing, and not enough being, then there is imbalance. I find this often in my practice, and it can be felt in a person's pulses. This can result in taking action where the action may not be so Divinely inspired and not coming from the most heart-centered place possible, thus causing more problems than creative solutions.
The opposite is also seen in practice and in life. Where there's plenty of stillness and intuition coming through, but no action being taken upon it. This can lead to stagnation and illness, both physical and emotional. I often feel in the pulses of my patients an oppressive energy that weighs down the vibrancy of the true pulse. I translate this into the energy of not taking action on something that needs taking action. The patient often knows what it is because they are so intuitive, and that's not where the energy is stuck. Sometimes they do not know because the energy is so stuck, and once it gets flowing again through their taking action in some part of their lives, then life overall begins to flow and they can make good, heart-centered decisions.
The perfect balance and flow is when the Divinely guided intuitive "hit" comes through, and we can express it and take action on it immediately. No questioning "what if, yeah but, if only..." just take action. Then we are in the flow of Life and this is the masculine taking taking action respecting the feminine intuition and stillness. It is also the feminine appreciating the ability of the masculine to take action.
There is much to be appreciated about the masculine and feminine being in good communication and mutually respecting each others importance. This can require a fair amount of Trust. Trust that our intuitive hits are truly coming from a higher place, and trusting that our taking action is for our greatest good. I think it's also about life being a place where we can try these things, lean into them, and see where they take us. This may seem risky, especially at first, but the more the inner masculine and feminine cooperate the more easily life flows.
There is much to be appreciated about the masculine and feminine being in good communication and mutually respecting each others importance. This can require a fair amount of Trust. Trust that our intuitive hits are truly coming from a higher place, and trusting that our taking action is for our greatest good. I think it's also about life being a place where we can try these things, lean into them, and see where they take us. This may seem risky, especially at first, but the more the inner masculine and feminine cooperate the more easily life flows.
This is often, or maybe even always, demonstrated through our relationships. We attract those who provide balance for us. For example, when I was young and newly married, I was the ultimate yin, or feminine and nurturing , aspect with very little of the masculine; whereas my husband at the time was the epitomy of the masculine, the breadwinner, the decision-maker, As I grew older, and more into myself, and embraced more of my masculine, which for me meant expressing my unique self, and trying to take action on those things that were important to me, this gave him an opportunity to look at and embrace the qualities of his feminine and receptive, nurturing side so that we could once again balance each other at this new level. Unfortunately, my masculine appeared to be too challenging for his hidden feminine, and at the time he wasn't willing to go there, so instead of growing together, we grew apart. I took my new level of feminine/masculine balance, or relative imbalance, out into the world of relationship, with interesting results.
There have been many shifts and changes over the years with my goal of being more balanced in my feminine and masculine aspects, and honoring both. I feel I've gotten myself to a good place. I am able to live an intuitive life, and can take action or express myself accordingly. I don't know what this means relationship-wise, since I am not currently in one that will mirror my level of balance of my inner feminine and masculine, but I look forward to finding out and seeing where my inner feminine and masculine might need more attention in mutual respect and appreciation.
Many Blessings to All of You, You Wonderful Beings of the Inner Feminine and Masculine!
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
Balance and Spiritual Liberation
9/17/14 - The world is our mirror of our conscious awareness. The following blog from Spring of 2009 is all about observing what is in my world, understanding it, and creating an intention for manifestation, as well as an example of a manifestation of intentions set forth with my prevailing conscious awareness that got me there.
It is a bit humorous to note, I now just realized, that within two weeks of writing this in 2009, I met my current husband, Richard, who is so very balanced, AND a Libra. :) One of the more gargantuan metamorphoses I've experienced. Successful Alchemy in the area of relationship!
Daily Thought for Sunday, May 3, 2009 by Master Djwhal Khul
My increasing balance fuels my capacity for spiritual liberation.
Daily Thought for Monday, May 4, 2009 by Master Djwhal Khul
Perfect balance is the open door to spiritual liberation.
Balance has definitely been a key word for me lately. I have been drawing into my awareness those who are extremists in various aspects of life, from the fella who weighed 300 pounds and clung with all his might to the canned foods and 6 boxes of expired oatmeal, and refused to listen to any music that had an inkling of flute. He was very slow and damp in all decisions and movement... to the vegan continual meditator, attached to the spirit world, and anti-the manifestations of this planet, and a few other unique extremists in between. The pendulum keeps swinging. Perhaps I am here to show balance to others, I dunno. I asked my mother yesterday if there's anything extreme about me that I am missing. At first she thought not, and then she said that perhaps the only thing I may be extreme in is enthusiasm.
en·thu·si·asm (
1. Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause.
2. A source or cause of great excitement or interest.
3. Archaic
a. Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god.
b. Religious fanaticism.
[Late Latin enthsiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god, from entheos, possessed : en-, in; see en-2 + theos, god; see dhs- in Indo-European roots.]
Word History: "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," said the very quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson, who also said, "Everywhere the history of religion betrays a tendency to enthusiasm." These two uses of the word enthusiasmone positive and one negative both derive from its source in Greek. Enthusiasm first appeared in English in 1603 with the meaning "possession by a god." The source of the word is the Greek enthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos, "having the god within," formed from en, "in, within," and theos, "god." Over time the meaning of enthusiasm became extended to "rapturous inspiration like that caused by a god" to "an overly confident or delusory belief that one is inspired by God," to "ill-regulated religious fervor, religious extremism," and eventually to the familiar sense "craze, excitement, strong liking for something." Now one can have an enthusiasm for almost anything, from water skiing to fast food, without religion entering into it at all.
I like to see enthusiasm as God, or the Universal Life Force expressing through me. I have the intention of making my life one big meditation, which actually simply means that I am present in whatever it is that I am doing, wherever I am being, whomever I am engaging with. Intentional meditation definitely makes this goal more attainable. I definitely do not have time nor interest in going into deep meditation for hours per day, for there is living to be done, and love to share and beings to encounter with heart. So, yes, I am enthusiastic about everything in my life I have set forth and created for myself. Everything from being a present mother, to pursuing my career goals, to communing with my friends and family. I am enthusiastic about continually learning and growing, and experiencing what I can through this short period of time on this planet in this reality.
Back to balance and the door to and capacity for spiritual liberation. As I wrote this last line I received a phone call from Creighton University offering me a seat in their upcoming starting PharmD. program. This is, by far, the most balanced option I had interviewed for this past winter. I had let go of it being an option because I had been placed on their wait list for an indeterminate amount of time, thus I moved ahead enthusiastically with my next best option which provided a far less balanced proposition than the distance learning program, but a slightly more balanced option than packing everything and leaving Peter behind to start school in Oregon. So, interesting timing, I say. Definitely taking the most balanced route allows more flexibility and time and energy in my school schedule to continue to pursue 1) my acupuncture practice and new clinic, 2) my meditative practices, 3) a routine of health and self-care, 4) hopefully nurturing and nourishing family and friend contact. These things are very important to me, and allow me to be a spiritual being manifesting my dreams in a balanced way.
Now as I sit and ponder my initial question to my mother yesterday morning about what these perceived extreme people making themselves known and might be mirroring to me, perhaps it was the choice I had made to go to UC-Denver's pharmacy school and the extreme attention that would take in my life because I would be enthusiastic about the program, wherever school ends up being.
Indeed, I am liberated from extremes, and find balance in my activities and my inactivities, in my knowledge and in my meditation, in my heart when I give and receive love, and share with others and share with myself. This is a very good place to be, a place of manifesting my dreams.
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
It is a bit humorous to note, I now just realized, that within two weeks of writing this in 2009, I met my current husband, Richard, who is so very balanced, AND a Libra. :) One of the more gargantuan metamorphoses I've experienced. Successful Alchemy in the area of relationship!
Daily Thought for Sunday, May 3, 2009 by Master Djwhal Khul
My increasing balance fuels my capacity for spiritual liberation.
Daily Thought for Monday, May 4, 2009 by Master Djwhal Khul
Perfect balance is the open door to spiritual liberation.
Balance has definitely been a key word for me lately. I have been drawing into my awareness those who are extremists in various aspects of life, from the fella who weighed 300 pounds and clung with all his might to the canned foods and 6 boxes of expired oatmeal, and refused to listen to any music that had an inkling of flute. He was very slow and damp in all decisions and movement... to the vegan continual meditator, attached to the spirit world, and anti-the manifestations of this planet, and a few other unique extremists in between. The pendulum keeps swinging. Perhaps I am here to show balance to others, I dunno. I asked my mother yesterday if there's anything extreme about me that I am missing. At first she thought not, and then she said that perhaps the only thing I may be extreme in is enthusiasm.
en·thu·si·asm (
1. Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause.
2. A source or cause of great excitement or interest.
3. Archaic
a. Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god.
b. Religious fanaticism.
[Late Latin enthsiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god, from entheos, possessed : en-, in; see en-2 + theos, god; see dhs- in Indo-European roots.]
Word History: "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," said the very quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson, who also said, "Everywhere the history of religion betrays a tendency to enthusiasm." These two uses of the word enthusiasmone positive and one negative both derive from its source in Greek. Enthusiasm first appeared in English in 1603 with the meaning "possession by a god." The source of the word is the Greek enthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos, "having the god within," formed from en, "in, within," and theos, "god." Over time the meaning of enthusiasm became extended to "rapturous inspiration like that caused by a god" to "an overly confident or delusory belief that one is inspired by God," to "ill-regulated religious fervor, religious extremism," and eventually to the familiar sense "craze, excitement, strong liking for something." Now one can have an enthusiasm for almost anything, from water skiing to fast food, without religion entering into it at all.
I like to see enthusiasm as God, or the Universal Life Force expressing through me. I have the intention of making my life one big meditation, which actually simply means that I am present in whatever it is that I am doing, wherever I am being, whomever I am engaging with. Intentional meditation definitely makes this goal more attainable. I definitely do not have time nor interest in going into deep meditation for hours per day, for there is living to be done, and love to share and beings to encounter with heart. So, yes, I am enthusiastic about everything in my life I have set forth and created for myself. Everything from being a present mother, to pursuing my career goals, to communing with my friends and family. I am enthusiastic about continually learning and growing, and experiencing what I can through this short period of time on this planet in this reality.
Back to balance and the door to and capacity for spiritual liberation. As I wrote this last line I received a phone call from Creighton University offering me a seat in their upcoming starting PharmD. program. This is, by far, the most balanced option I had interviewed for this past winter. I had let go of it being an option because I had been placed on their wait list for an indeterminate amount of time, thus I moved ahead enthusiastically with my next best option which provided a far less balanced proposition than the distance learning program, but a slightly more balanced option than packing everything and leaving Peter behind to start school in Oregon. So, interesting timing, I say. Definitely taking the most balanced route allows more flexibility and time and energy in my school schedule to continue to pursue 1) my acupuncture practice and new clinic, 2) my meditative practices, 3) a routine of health and self-care, 4) hopefully nurturing and nourishing family and friend contact. These things are very important to me, and allow me to be a spiritual being manifesting my dreams in a balanced way.
Now as I sit and ponder my initial question to my mother yesterday morning about what these perceived extreme people making themselves known and might be mirroring to me, perhaps it was the choice I had made to go to UC-Denver's pharmacy school and the extreme attention that would take in my life because I would be enthusiastic about the program, wherever school ends up being.
Indeed, I am liberated from extremes, and find balance in my activities and my inactivities, in my knowledge and in my meditation, in my heart when I give and receive love, and share with others and share with myself. This is a very good place to be, a place of manifesting my dreams.
S.A. Lyonheart :-)
Creating a New Blueprint
The awareness of needing to create a new life blueprint came in Sept., 2013- this was written soon after.
2013 has been a whirlwind of change, of endings and new beginnings, mostly in relation to completing pharmacy school (finally!) and starting my new acupuncture, Chinese medicine and consulting pharmacy (?) clinic, which has been a wonderful endeavor.
The last few months have been quite interesting, and we'll see how well I can put it into words.
First of all, my final pharmacist licensing exam that I passed coincided with my youngest son's 21st birthday. I was quite aware of the culmination of active "parenthood" and the completion of all I strived for through pharmacy school existing on the same day, September 9. I passed, and now have my license, and Peter is now officially an adult. All of that multi-tasking that comes with parenting and comes with a difficult doctoral degree is over! This left me with actual entire unplanned days. I knew better than to fill them up, which I could easily have done with the new business and seeing patients, seeing long lost friends, or idling away on the Internet... but I didn't. I intentionally set out to use these days as "free" days, being in the moment, and whatever would come up, I would do it. It seemed like a nice transition, a necessary transition. My life has been run by syllabi and school schedules for the better of the past 20 plus years, including all of my sons' early school journeys. So strange to not have that structure!
About three weeks after my liberation from pharmacy exams and "parenthood" (although I know that never ends), my dear stepfather was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer. He is still undergoing tests to determine if surgery is an option, and to see if it has spread, and essentially to see what his options are for the rest of his life. Suddenly I saw one of the reasons why I had this new "free" time at hand. I am so very grateful and blessed to be able to accompany my parents on their doctor and procedure visits to assist with the question-asking, and provide another set of ears in these meetings. So much is still undetermined and the path has yet to be laid out for him. All in transition.
Meanwhile, I have been easing into a yoga quasi-routine, and 9 days ago attended a Yoga Nidra workshop that my husband, Richard, was invited to play his flutes to accompany the facilitator. I was so excited to do a very gentle yoga that was focussed more internally than on the stretching and movement. I was even excited about the possibility of a heavy-duty nap during it. I had no idea, really, what to expect, so went in with an open mind and a willingness to participate.
Delara led us through the gentle stretches and meditation to begin the session, and eased us into the internal exploration. Snores were beginning to resound through the room, in front of me, behind me - but not through me. Rather, I felt like I was hyper-aware, super-alert, completely relaxed, and definitely not napping or snoring. What happened next completely surprised me.
My Council of Twelve paid me a visit in this state of Nidra Yoga. In prior Council visits, at least in my awareness, their visits and information have come through dream states. One other time, I used 5-6 bags of Anchi crystals all around me during a meditation, and I was able to negotiate with them that way. This time, they had a message for me. To get caught up on some of my other Council encounters, read this blog.
They said, "Your end is here."
I had a few questions, and they answered in their best cryptic way. After the meditation I felt completely amazing, relaxed and emotionally detached.
The gist of the message from that meeting was that my end has come. I had no idea what that meant - did it mean that the end of my physical existence was once again looming? Were they talking about an ego thing? The end of my ego?
One of my questions to them, was "when"? I related it to my stepdad when I asked, since he is the only other person I'm aware of who is currently facing a big end. I asked, "Before him? After him?"
They told me "with him." What does that mean? I still don't know exactly, except they did inform me that had I completed my first contract and transitioned out of this life in my 30's, I had contracted with my stepfather to be one to assist from the other side during his transition from this life. So, since I continue on, and am still incarnate on this planet Earth, and am not on the other side to assist as originally planned, I am going to still assist him in his transition - somehow. I think they are actually still figuring it out, and that was part of the message.
Reluctantly, I passed all of this by my husband, an aware individual whose perspective I completely trust. He was pretty sure I'll be around for awhile, and that they weren't talking about my physical being ending now. That resonated, but it was still unclear what has ended.
I'll back up a little here, too. I have always been a proud omnivore, not eating a lot of meat, but retaining my right to eat it when I wanted to, loving eggs, and still eating dairy. Since the middle of July, my husband and I had been taking a Mental Mastery meditation class through Sai Maa's teachings. The first five sessions seemed to be familiar exercises and took us very slowly each week into greater awareness of our mental activity and how to shift it into positive manifestation. It was slow, that is, until the very last class. Suddenly (it seemed), we were being guided into a huge pineal activation, pulling the energy into our Heart center, and manifesting from that space. Our facilitator played his special crystal bowls during this meditation in our last class. We were supposed to create a vision in that space, and all I could see was light, light and more Light, and being in that LIGHT. There was no vision creation, there was nothing but light and my being in it.
And since that meditation, I have not been able to eat any meat, eggs, or dairy. At all. The night after that meditation, we went to my in-laws' house and my mother-in-law served her usual salmon, which I would normally not hesitate to devour. I could not eat it. I felt nauseous, and just knew I couldn't do it.
Things immediately shifted to a pure vegan diet at our house - my husband jumped right on board. I do not know how to explain this to people - the reasoning behind it - how long it's going to last - why, why why?
Although, in light of the Light, and the lightness of a plant-based diet compared to an animal-based diet may be exactly what I need if and as I am assisting my stepfather in his transition and in my own transition. It seems that is just the start. Maybe it helps me be lighter as I work in the etheric realm day and night. I am definitely sleeping better, much better (not that it was bad before - but now it's really good!)
I don't miss meat, or eggs, or milk (or wheat, or refined sugar)- and I've actually enjoyed the exploration of some amazing vibrant and delicious vegan meals. I love cooking, so this is a natural.
This morning, to gain some (or lots of) clarity - I visited an intuitive reader friend of mine who has been very helpful with gaining relevant information and needed clarity in the recent past. I quickly filled her in on the Council of Twelve visits through the years, and this most recent one. What she relayed to me resonated well, and I'm still digesting. They kept showing her a scroll, which represented my life, and my blueprint for my life. There was a blueprint (or two, maybe three) that was determined before I was born depending on the choices I would make at predetermined potential "exit points".
What has essentially happened is that I have completed my current and last pre-determined pre-birth blueprint, all contracts are complete, and there is nothing for the Council of Twelve to work with until I consciously come up with a new blueprint for the next part of my life. This is usually done prior to incarnation, but I need to do it while currently incarnated since I have steadfastly insisted that I remain through these negotiations with my Council of Twelve. My friend relayed to me that the next several weeks, especially, are super important to really lay the groundwork for my new blueprint, and it is vitally important to keep all fear, doubt, worry, idle thinking out of any of my intentions or non-intentions. Any wistful wonderings could make it into my blueprint. They told her that I need to check into my values, really see what I value and what I want to experience during the next bit of my lifetime, so that they have something to work with and put into action. I see a list, a specific list with everything I can think of that I want to experience. It seems there is no accident that I've been taking these meditation courses to help become very aware of what my mind is doing, so that I can head it off and away from any worry. It seems a bit of a daunting task to create this blueprint - this is way bigger than creating your reality in the New Thought sense, it seems. I have time - 4-6 weeks, and into the middle of February. By then, the blueprint will be set and will begin to manifest and unfold. Right now in this moment they have nothing to work with and wanted to let me know a bit of how to go about it.
How fun is this? I see a lot of travel, a lot of heart-centered connection. I told my mother earlier today that what I want to experience is to create something subtle and profound that will affect many in a new way. I relayed to her that the past and current writings and books all seem to say the same New Thought, New Agey things. Not very inspiring to me anymore, since I get it. Different views, same messages. Something new needs to be born and expressed - and the world is in need. Souls are in need - all of the transitioning I've seen all around me, as well as within me, shows me this need.
I am writing again - and it is through this means that I will create my new blueprint. I have not deeply explored my values for awhile - I feel I've been living through them successfully. I do believe that it is time to revisit and super-consciously examine and embrace them, and then translate it into meaningful experiences in my life to come. I have a task - and first I must sleep.
But first - I just remembered - I want to remember to document another message to me from the Council - first that in creating my clinic I was more successful than I have thought in connecting the two dimensions in a balanced way, and much more quickly than any of them thought I would. One of them, and not one of them, went and stood by my friend, to help her relay the message that they are so very proud of what I've done, in a very fatherly way - so much that it made me cry - to hear those words from a paternal orientation made all the difference.
My dear hubby has been telling me for months how proud he is of me, so very proud of everything I've done - maybe he has been channeling them - and I'm grateful and touched, but was triply touched to hear this message from the other side in such a direct way. Also, in order for protection, because I am wide open, I am to always feel this Guide's arms around me as I maneuver through this process of creating my blueprint and stepping into new life. I intend this protection and caring even if I might consciously forget it. I feel so blessed to be on this journey and to have this opportunity to create, all with loving support and enthusiasm!
2013 has been a whirlwind of change, of endings and new beginnings, mostly in relation to completing pharmacy school (finally!) and starting my new acupuncture, Chinese medicine and consulting pharmacy (?) clinic, which has been a wonderful endeavor.
The last few months have been quite interesting, and we'll see how well I can put it into words.
First of all, my final pharmacist licensing exam that I passed coincided with my youngest son's 21st birthday. I was quite aware of the culmination of active "parenthood" and the completion of all I strived for through pharmacy school existing on the same day, September 9. I passed, and now have my license, and Peter is now officially an adult. All of that multi-tasking that comes with parenting and comes with a difficult doctoral degree is over! This left me with actual entire unplanned days. I knew better than to fill them up, which I could easily have done with the new business and seeing patients, seeing long lost friends, or idling away on the Internet... but I didn't. I intentionally set out to use these days as "free" days, being in the moment, and whatever would come up, I would do it. It seemed like a nice transition, a necessary transition. My life has been run by syllabi and school schedules for the better of the past 20 plus years, including all of my sons' early school journeys. So strange to not have that structure!
About three weeks after my liberation from pharmacy exams and "parenthood" (although I know that never ends), my dear stepfather was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer. He is still undergoing tests to determine if surgery is an option, and to see if it has spread, and essentially to see what his options are for the rest of his life. Suddenly I saw one of the reasons why I had this new "free" time at hand. I am so very grateful and blessed to be able to accompany my parents on their doctor and procedure visits to assist with the question-asking, and provide another set of ears in these meetings. So much is still undetermined and the path has yet to be laid out for him. All in transition.
Meanwhile, I have been easing into a yoga quasi-routine, and 9 days ago attended a Yoga Nidra workshop that my husband, Richard, was invited to play his flutes to accompany the facilitator. I was so excited to do a very gentle yoga that was focussed more internally than on the stretching and movement. I was even excited about the possibility of a heavy-duty nap during it. I had no idea, really, what to expect, so went in with an open mind and a willingness to participate.
Delara led us through the gentle stretches and meditation to begin the session, and eased us into the internal exploration. Snores were beginning to resound through the room, in front of me, behind me - but not through me. Rather, I felt like I was hyper-aware, super-alert, completely relaxed, and definitely not napping or snoring. What happened next completely surprised me.
My Council of Twelve paid me a visit in this state of Nidra Yoga. In prior Council visits, at least in my awareness, their visits and information have come through dream states. One other time, I used 5-6 bags of Anchi crystals all around me during a meditation, and I was able to negotiate with them that way. This time, they had a message for me. To get caught up on some of my other Council encounters, read this blog.
They said, "Your end is here."
I had a few questions, and they answered in their best cryptic way. After the meditation I felt completely amazing, relaxed and emotionally detached.
The gist of the message from that meeting was that my end has come. I had no idea what that meant - did it mean that the end of my physical existence was once again looming? Were they talking about an ego thing? The end of my ego?
One of my questions to them, was "when"? I related it to my stepdad when I asked, since he is the only other person I'm aware of who is currently facing a big end. I asked, "Before him? After him?"
They told me "with him." What does that mean? I still don't know exactly, except they did inform me that had I completed my first contract and transitioned out of this life in my 30's, I had contracted with my stepfather to be one to assist from the other side during his transition from this life. So, since I continue on, and am still incarnate on this planet Earth, and am not on the other side to assist as originally planned, I am going to still assist him in his transition - somehow. I think they are actually still figuring it out, and that was part of the message.
Reluctantly, I passed all of this by my husband, an aware individual whose perspective I completely trust. He was pretty sure I'll be around for awhile, and that they weren't talking about my physical being ending now. That resonated, but it was still unclear what has ended.
I'll back up a little here, too. I have always been a proud omnivore, not eating a lot of meat, but retaining my right to eat it when I wanted to, loving eggs, and still eating dairy. Since the middle of July, my husband and I had been taking a Mental Mastery meditation class through Sai Maa's teachings. The first five sessions seemed to be familiar exercises and took us very slowly each week into greater awareness of our mental activity and how to shift it into positive manifestation. It was slow, that is, until the very last class. Suddenly (it seemed), we were being guided into a huge pineal activation, pulling the energy into our Heart center, and manifesting from that space. Our facilitator played his special crystal bowls during this meditation in our last class. We were supposed to create a vision in that space, and all I could see was light, light and more Light, and being in that LIGHT. There was no vision creation, there was nothing but light and my being in it.
And since that meditation, I have not been able to eat any meat, eggs, or dairy. At all. The night after that meditation, we went to my in-laws' house and my mother-in-law served her usual salmon, which I would normally not hesitate to devour. I could not eat it. I felt nauseous, and just knew I couldn't do it.
Things immediately shifted to a pure vegan diet at our house - my husband jumped right on board. I do not know how to explain this to people - the reasoning behind it - how long it's going to last - why, why why?
Although, in light of the Light, and the lightness of a plant-based diet compared to an animal-based diet may be exactly what I need if and as I am assisting my stepfather in his transition and in my own transition. It seems that is just the start. Maybe it helps me be lighter as I work in the etheric realm day and night. I am definitely sleeping better, much better (not that it was bad before - but now it's really good!)
I don't miss meat, or eggs, or milk (or wheat, or refined sugar)- and I've actually enjoyed the exploration of some amazing vibrant and delicious vegan meals. I love cooking, so this is a natural.
This morning, to gain some (or lots of) clarity - I visited an intuitive reader friend of mine who has been very helpful with gaining relevant information and needed clarity in the recent past. I quickly filled her in on the Council of Twelve visits through the years, and this most recent one. What she relayed to me resonated well, and I'm still digesting. They kept showing her a scroll, which represented my life, and my blueprint for my life. There was a blueprint (or two, maybe three) that was determined before I was born depending on the choices I would make at predetermined potential "exit points".
What has essentially happened is that I have completed my current and last pre-determined pre-birth blueprint, all contracts are complete, and there is nothing for the Council of Twelve to work with until I consciously come up with a new blueprint for the next part of my life. This is usually done prior to incarnation, but I need to do it while currently incarnated since I have steadfastly insisted that I remain through these negotiations with my Council of Twelve. My friend relayed to me that the next several weeks, especially, are super important to really lay the groundwork for my new blueprint, and it is vitally important to keep all fear, doubt, worry, idle thinking out of any of my intentions or non-intentions. Any wistful wonderings could make it into my blueprint. They told her that I need to check into my values, really see what I value and what I want to experience during the next bit of my lifetime, so that they have something to work with and put into action. I see a list, a specific list with everything I can think of that I want to experience. It seems there is no accident that I've been taking these meditation courses to help become very aware of what my mind is doing, so that I can head it off and away from any worry. It seems a bit of a daunting task to create this blueprint - this is way bigger than creating your reality in the New Thought sense, it seems. I have time - 4-6 weeks, and into the middle of February. By then, the blueprint will be set and will begin to manifest and unfold. Right now in this moment they have nothing to work with and wanted to let me know a bit of how to go about it.
How fun is this? I see a lot of travel, a lot of heart-centered connection. I told my mother earlier today that what I want to experience is to create something subtle and profound that will affect many in a new way. I relayed to her that the past and current writings and books all seem to say the same New Thought, New Agey things. Not very inspiring to me anymore, since I get it. Different views, same messages. Something new needs to be born and expressed - and the world is in need. Souls are in need - all of the transitioning I've seen all around me, as well as within me, shows me this need.
I am writing again - and it is through this means that I will create my new blueprint. I have not deeply explored my values for awhile - I feel I've been living through them successfully. I do believe that it is time to revisit and super-consciously examine and embrace them, and then translate it into meaningful experiences in my life to come. I have a task - and first I must sleep.
But first - I just remembered - I want to remember to document another message to me from the Council - first that in creating my clinic I was more successful than I have thought in connecting the two dimensions in a balanced way, and much more quickly than any of them thought I would. One of them, and not one of them, went and stood by my friend, to help her relay the message that they are so very proud of what I've done, in a very fatherly way - so much that it made me cry - to hear those words from a paternal orientation made all the difference.
My dear hubby has been telling me for months how proud he is of me, so very proud of everything I've done - maybe he has been channeling them - and I'm grateful and touched, but was triply touched to hear this message from the other side in such a direct way. Also, in order for protection, because I am wide open, I am to always feel this Guide's arms around me as I maneuver through this process of creating my blueprint and stepping into new life. I intend this protection and caring even if I might consciously forget it. I feel so blessed to be on this journey and to have this opportunity to create, all with loving support and enthusiasm!
Wondrous Wallpaper
The following is one of my favorite personal hands-on alchemical experiences. I love that it exemplifies the importance of addressing change on more than the physical level, that there is much more that takes place "behind the scenes" before manifesting into our 3D awareness.
Written in 2008, Lakewood, CO
The Wall at the End of the Hall
I bought this house with much upgrading and a fair amount of remodeling needed most of which was discovered after the purchase. One of the very minor repairs was to do something about the hideous wallpaper that I'd inherited with the house. Some of the more major items drew my attention first, like $1200 in plumbing within the first two weeks as well as a couple of bathroom remodels, etc. as house projects tend to multiply. Thus it took a few years for me to really contemplate this wallpaper.
The day I decided to begin, my thought was that I would peel the wallpaper and sand the underlying wall, and then paint it a nice neutral color, and be able to forget about it. Anything would be an improvement. I began to pick at the paper. It came off the wall in tiny bit by frustrating tiny bit. At that time I was not aware of, nor could I have really afforded, the fancy chemical goo and puncturing tool that might have aided me immensely in this endeavor. After a few minutes of the tedium, I decided to take the lazy person's way out, and simply sand down the edges of the paper, and paint over the wall, paper and all. Which is precisely what I did. At least the hideous had been neutralized.
Shoot ahead a couple of years and no further thoughts had passed about the wallpaper at the end of the hall. It was covered and many other house projects prevailed. One day, my middle son, in a fit of early-teen combativeness decided that it was time for me to address the house. He proceeded to pull off the framework around the area where I'd painted, thus exposing the wallpaper underneath for a thin strip along the edge. I was not in the mindset at the time for home repair, and was able to stop the entire demolition of the wall. However, for the next couple of years that little edge of wallpaper reminded me that I still had much to do for the house before I felt comfortable selling when the time came.
Several months ago I decided it was finally time to complete the task of getting the house ready to put on the market, in order to downsize and begin simplifying my life as the boys continue branching out on their own life journeys. Given that decision, the painted wallpaper wall was back in my full awareness.
One morning, I was awakened very early, by 4:30am, which was unusual for me, and I could not get back to sleep. After I laid in bed for awhile, I decided to get out of bed to use the bathroom and get an early beginning to the day. At that time, since there was lots of work to be done on the house, including reattaching the master bathroom toilet to the floor, I was using the main hall bathroom as my main bath. So I opened my bedroom door, walked into the hallway, and saw a stray corner of the wallpaper. I was compellingly drawn to the piece of wallpaper and had a huge urge to lean way over and pull on it. So, I did in my fog stupor.
As I pulled at the stray edge, the entire strip came up, easily and effortlessly. I was astounded as I stood there pulling this wallpaper so very easily. I thought to myself that I could so easily pull the entire wall of paper down in just a few moments. However, my bladder was requesting my attention and I left the paper hanging, about one-third of the way removed thinking that I would finish later after I'd gotten going on my day.
I went about my morning routine, had my coffee and breakfast, went for a walk, took a shower, and proceeded to get ready to work at one of the offices. On my last pass through past the wall to get my shoes for work, I thought I'd finish up the quick and easy job and gave the dangling wallpaper a tug. It wouldn't budge. It was just as tough as it had been for all of those years and maybe even before. Very perplexed, I finished getting ready and got in the car, and asked my Guides, "What was that all about?"
I immediately received the answer. Awakening early in the morning, I was not fully in my physical body and was functioning more so in my astral body. As I approached the wallpaper and the wall, I was addressing "them" on "their" astral levels, more than the physical level. I was thus able to manipulate the paper easily and effortlessly in the very malleable astral plane. And later, as I had come more into my concrete mind and my physical body, I was once again addressing the paper and wall in the physical realm, and it had become difficult.
There is a huge lesson there for me. I have been shifting my attention to Life being easy; to not feeling as though I need to do everything myself and to allow help in. Apparently my "help" also comes from the non-physical. Well, I knew that already. Also, the ability to manipulate in the etheric is something to definitely keep in mind.
Sure enough a couple days later, I was up early, not quite AS early as that first morning. My first thought was to finish the wallpaper job. I got up, went into the hall, grabbed the wallpaper and so very easily pulled the rest off. It took only a few minutes. I was so grateful and I AM so grateful to have had this experience. What an amazing lesson to have learned and to incorporate into my practices of prosperity, ease, and alchemy!
Written in 2008, Lakewood, CO
The Wall at the End of the Hall
I bought this house with much upgrading and a fair amount of remodeling needed most of which was discovered after the purchase. One of the very minor repairs was to do something about the hideous wallpaper that I'd inherited with the house. Some of the more major items drew my attention first, like $1200 in plumbing within the first two weeks as well as a couple of bathroom remodels, etc. as house projects tend to multiply. Thus it took a few years for me to really contemplate this wallpaper.
The day I decided to begin, my thought was that I would peel the wallpaper and sand the underlying wall, and then paint it a nice neutral color, and be able to forget about it. Anything would be an improvement. I began to pick at the paper. It came off the wall in tiny bit by frustrating tiny bit. At that time I was not aware of, nor could I have really afforded, the fancy chemical goo and puncturing tool that might have aided me immensely in this endeavor. After a few minutes of the tedium, I decided to take the lazy person's way out, and simply sand down the edges of the paper, and paint over the wall, paper and all. Which is precisely what I did. At least the hideous had been neutralized.
Shoot ahead a couple of years and no further thoughts had passed about the wallpaper at the end of the hall. It was covered and many other house projects prevailed. One day, my middle son, in a fit of early-teen combativeness decided that it was time for me to address the house. He proceeded to pull off the framework around the area where I'd painted, thus exposing the wallpaper underneath for a thin strip along the edge. I was not in the mindset at the time for home repair, and was able to stop the entire demolition of the wall. However, for the next couple of years that little edge of wallpaper reminded me that I still had much to do for the house before I felt comfortable selling when the time came.
Several months ago I decided it was finally time to complete the task of getting the house ready to put on the market, in order to downsize and begin simplifying my life as the boys continue branching out on their own life journeys. Given that decision, the painted wallpaper wall was back in my full awareness.
One morning, I was awakened very early, by 4:30am, which was unusual for me, and I could not get back to sleep. After I laid in bed for awhile, I decided to get out of bed to use the bathroom and get an early beginning to the day. At that time, since there was lots of work to be done on the house, including reattaching the master bathroom toilet to the floor, I was using the main hall bathroom as my main bath. So I opened my bedroom door, walked into the hallway, and saw a stray corner of the wallpaper. I was compellingly drawn to the piece of wallpaper and had a huge urge to lean way over and pull on it. So, I did in my fog stupor.
As I pulled at the stray edge, the entire strip came up, easily and effortlessly. I was astounded as I stood there pulling this wallpaper so very easily. I thought to myself that I could so easily pull the entire wall of paper down in just a few moments. However, my bladder was requesting my attention and I left the paper hanging, about one-third of the way removed thinking that I would finish later after I'd gotten going on my day.
I went about my morning routine, had my coffee and breakfast, went for a walk, took a shower, and proceeded to get ready to work at one of the offices. On my last pass through past the wall to get my shoes for work, I thought I'd finish up the quick and easy job and gave the dangling wallpaper a tug. It wouldn't budge. It was just as tough as it had been for all of those years and maybe even before. Very perplexed, I finished getting ready and got in the car, and asked my Guides, "What was that all about?"
I immediately received the answer. Awakening early in the morning, I was not fully in my physical body and was functioning more so in my astral body. As I approached the wallpaper and the wall, I was addressing "them" on "their" astral levels, more than the physical level. I was thus able to manipulate the paper easily and effortlessly in the very malleable astral plane. And later, as I had come more into my concrete mind and my physical body, I was once again addressing the paper and wall in the physical realm, and it had become difficult.
There is a huge lesson there for me. I have been shifting my attention to Life being easy; to not feeling as though I need to do everything myself and to allow help in. Apparently my "help" also comes from the non-physical. Well, I knew that already. Also, the ability to manipulate in the etheric is something to definitely keep in mind.
Sure enough a couple days later, I was up early, not quite AS early as that first morning. My first thought was to finish the wallpaper job. I got up, went into the hall, grabbed the wallpaper and so very easily pulled the rest off. It took only a few minutes. I was so grateful and I AM so grateful to have had this experience. What an amazing lesson to have learned and to incorporate into my practices of prosperity, ease, and alchemy!
Alchemical Metamorphosis
The world and our communities are continuously changing, as are we. Especially now, the energies of transformation are upon us, and we are being called into a higher vibration while we continue to live on the planet.
We are all alchemists, whether we are aware of it or not. We create our realities, consciously, subconsciously, and very often, unconsciously. More often than not, we wake up and realize that what presents itself in our daily lives is not what resonates with our hearts. We are all creative beings and can recreate our realities, as alchemists. There are many methods for re-centering into your heart, and re-creating your new reality. Through balancing our emotions, physical body, and improving mental focus we can magnetize new frequencies, a new healthier and happier reality into our lives.
Through the Alchemical Metamorphosis intensive process there are three main overall goals:
1) Clear the dross of the emotional body and the karmic and archetypical contracts that keep us stuck in a reality that isn't aligned with our truest selves.
2) Gain more direct access to our Divine nature, insights, messages and blueprint for the higher frequency manifestations we desire.
3) Integrate this new knowledge and information into our lives as a Grace-filled Divine Metamorphosis.
A variety of modalities and techniques are used, ranging from and including meditation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), breath work, acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture, Esogetic Colorpuncture, Reiki, sacred geometry, multi-incarnational exploration, Dream Work, Barbara Hand Clow's Alchemy Through the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness, St. Germain's Nine Steps to Precipitation, Lifestyle modification, movement through yoga or t'ai chi, sound healing vibrations, and light, in a uniquely tailored intensive individualized program.
Changes for the better must begin on the personal level - as each person grows the Divine Light within and vibrates at a higher frequency, this spreads naturally to our communities, the Earth, and our Universe.
We are all alchemists, whether we are aware of it or not. We create our realities, consciously, subconsciously, and very often, unconsciously. More often than not, we wake up and realize that what presents itself in our daily lives is not what resonates with our hearts. We are all creative beings and can recreate our realities, as alchemists. There are many methods for re-centering into your heart, and re-creating your new reality. Through balancing our emotions, physical body, and improving mental focus we can magnetize new frequencies, a new healthier and happier reality into our lives.
Through the Alchemical Metamorphosis intensive process there are three main overall goals:
1) Clear the dross of the emotional body and the karmic and archetypical contracts that keep us stuck in a reality that isn't aligned with our truest selves.
2) Gain more direct access to our Divine nature, insights, messages and blueprint for the higher frequency manifestations we desire.
3) Integrate this new knowledge and information into our lives as a Grace-filled Divine Metamorphosis.
A variety of modalities and techniques are used, ranging from and including meditation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), breath work, acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture, Esogetic Colorpuncture, Reiki, sacred geometry, multi-incarnational exploration, Dream Work, Barbara Hand Clow's Alchemy Through the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness, St. Germain's Nine Steps to Precipitation, Lifestyle modification, movement through yoga or t'ai chi, sound healing vibrations, and light, in a uniquely tailored intensive individualized program.
Changes for the better must begin on the personal level - as each person grows the Divine Light within and vibrates at a higher frequency, this spreads naturally to our communities, the Earth, and our Universe.
The Time is Now. Welcome to (I) A.M.
emotional dross,
Emotional Freedom Technique,
esoteric acupuncture,
higher vibration,
Sacred Geometry,
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